Sunday, September 21, 2014

[Foodie Escapade] Frank & Charles Review

Hello Gurlfriends!

This is my first ever foodie review! This has been in my laptop for a couple of months now. This happened in July, apologies for the late post. Let's begin...

Forgive this blurry picture :)
Food has always been our passion, my husband and I. So whenever we see a new restaurant, we make sure that we try it out by hook or by crook. There’s this one Saturday where we stayed in their house in Taytay for the night. I woke up the next day seeing my Hubbi drooling, while eagerly telling me that we should try this new restaurant that he discovered hidden behind Puregold. *well not literally* Gosh I am famished! So I rolled out of bed, not even wanting to take a bath first *gruesome, lol* and together we head on to this resto.

I was amazed of how sleek and classy the restaurant looked. The design and and concept of the restaurant was a fair mix of modern finish and army barracks grille diner, full of corners and edges.

They also have this Mighty Tower Burger Challenge. A stack of six, 2.5oz all meat patty topped with a pack of mushroom, oozing with melted cheese in 3 minutes!?! Ooh that’s nothing! I can finish that thing under a minute! *glutton mode on*

They also have this cozy spot outside for drinkers and smokers. *that's a lot of ashtrays!*

I love the contrast of the colors, it’s just that their chairs are not comfy enough. Ooh my butt hurts just by staring at them!

I love these framed messages, it justifies your “katakawan” at the same time makes you feel sinful!

That’s my Hubbi right there ordering. Seems like he rolled out of bed too. *lol*

Spot the not! Hello Kuya!
This is their menu. They offer a lot of varieties in good prices. 

This is their condiments area. Yeah you read it right! It’s self-service my dear, so stop bumming and get that catsup! 

I love these gigantic bottles by the way, I believe it’s Heinz. They should have included Tabasco here instead of Mother’s Best. *lol demanding?* My only issue here is that they don’t offer mayonnaise! That one thing that I crave for, and it’s not here. Too bad! Oh well, at least they are generous with the other stuff.

Hawaiian Aloha
So here’s my order. It's Hawaiian Aloha for 145php with drinks and fries. Ooh we opted to drink water instead. I believe you can truly taste the food when you just take it with water, not soda or anything overpowering. Plus, it’s healthier too! The price is just right for the serving. So let’s go and try this burger out...

Dig in! 
It is heavenly! Two thumbs up for this. The sweetness of the pineapple complements the salty meat well. I believe they mixed beef with a bit of pork so as to make this baby tender and juicy enough. *sounds like a brand of hotdog* Seriously though, I can say that the meat is grilled perfectly. Not too dry, just the right amount of moisture. And the Hollandaise sauce, ooh! I love it! You taste a mixture of sweetness, saltiness and sourness all at the same time. It’s amazing! I finished the whole thing without even noticing! The size of the burger is just right for me. Good thing it included fries that satisfied my manly appetite. It’s a bit oily though, but hey! that's something you would crave for when it comes to fries right?

I believe the mother of the owner was the one who handed me these disposable gloves. Thank you madam! Maybe she noticed how starved I am that I am ready to get down and dirty with bare hands! True enough, it has gotten so messy, thank you for these gloves I got away with mess that easily.

Shirley’s Garlic Chicken
My husband gave that Shirley’s Garlic Chicken a try. Mind you, it’s just 125php for 2pcs of chicken! I tasted it as well and again, it’s awesome! You can really taste the garlic with a mixture of sweetness and tanginess from the sauce. I am not sure if it’s barbecue but it tastes exactly like the Hollandaise sauce in my burger. It really is “A taste of homemade pride”. We are so happy with the food. 

This is the aftermath! *lol*

Yes we can get messy most of the time. That's how we enjoy our food. 

Good ambiance, good food, good price. Their staff is great as well; they really help you out in case there's something you might need. I asked a staff about the mayonnaise just to make sure and he politely answered. 

But it’s not over yet! I needed to check the rest room! It has always been my pet peeve to see the rest room first before I can truly rate a restaurant.

All clean with tissue and bidet :) Love the topiary arrangements here. 

Clean, but I dislike the hand liquid soap.

Yes I am wearing my Hubbi's shirt! Forgive my messiness in this picture. *lol*

The rest room is so clean. I love this graffiti where it says "BIG FAT LIE - Diet" So honest! Even in the rest room they want you to forget your healthy lifestyle. *lol* My only complaint is their hand wash. It should have been something nicer and more fragrant. I believe this is a dish washing liquid? Oh that's just me. I have a thing for fragrant hand liquid soaps. I know for most people it doesn't really matter. 

Overall, with that great experience, I give this resto a rating of 8, 10 being the highest. Keep it up Frank & Charles. We'll definitely come back.

Update: Upon writing this blog, we already came back to this resto and ordered other dishes. Again, they were sumptuous. Too bad I left my cellphone in the car so I didn't get to take pictures. Quality time with Baby first before duties. *lol*

Visit their Facebook page for their contact details and location.

Hope you enjoyed this Foodie Review. 'Til next time!


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